第1节 阅读理解
单选题: 40总题量: 40
The following is an African folktale: Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. People did not have to plant their own food. Instead when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious. People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of the sky. Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra pieces into the garbage. Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land, and a great sky voice said to all the people, “You are wasting my gift of food. Do not take more than you can eat. I don’t want to see pieces of me in the garbage anymore or I will take my gift away ” The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, “Let’s be careful about how much food we take.” For a long time, all the people were careful. But one man named Adami wasn’t careful. At festival time, he took so many delicious pieces of the sky that he couldn’t eat them all. He knew he must not throw them away. So he decided to try to hide the pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile. Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. “You have wasted my gift of food again,” yelled the sky. “This time I will go away so you cannot waste me anymore. You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature.” Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste the gifts of nature. The sky in the folktale used to().
be the source of food
provide material for painting
offer bananas and potatoes
prepare gifts for everyone
The following is an African folktale: Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. People did not have to plant their own food. Instead when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious. People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of the sky. Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra pieces into the garbage. Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land, and a great sky voice said to all the people, “You are wasting my gift of food. Do not take more than you can eat. I don’t want to see pieces of me in the garbage anymore or I will take my gift away ” The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, “Let’s be careful about how much food we take.” For a long time, all the people were careful. But one man named Adami wasn’t careful. At festival time, he took so many delicious pieces of the sky that he couldn’t eat them all. He knew he must not throw them away. So he decided to try to hide the pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile. Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. “You have wasted my gift of food again,” yelled the sky. “This time I will go away so you cannot waste me anymore. You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature.” Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste the gifts of nature. How did the sky show that it was angry()?
It destroyed the palace.
It turned dark.
It started storms.
It killed people.
The following is an African folktale: Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. People did not have to plant their own food. Instead when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious. People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of the sky. Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra pieces into the garbage. Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land, and a great sky voice said to all the people, “You are wasting my gift of food. Do not take more than you can eat. I don’t want to see pieces of me in the garbage anymore or I will take my gift away ” The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, “Let’s be careful about how much food we take.” For a long time, all the people were careful. But one man named Adami wasn’t careful. At festival time, he took so many delicious pieces of the sky that he couldn’t eat them all. He knew he must not throw them away. So he decided to try to hide the pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile. Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. “You have wasted my gift of food again,” yelled the sky. “This time I will go away so you cannot waste me anymore. You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature.” Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste the gifts of nature. What did Adami do with the pieces he couldn’t finish()?
He kept them for the next meal.
He asked King Oba to help him.
He hid them under some garbage.
He threw them away.
The following is an African folktale: Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. People did not have to plant their own food. Instead when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious. People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of the sky. Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra pieces into the garbage. Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land, and a great sky voice said to all the people, “You are wasting my gift of food. Do not take more than you can eat. I don’t want to see pieces of me in the garbage anymore or I will take my gift away ” The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, “Let’s be careful about how much food we take.” For a long time, all the people were careful. But one man named Adami wasn’t careful. At festival time, he took so many delicious pieces of the sky that he couldn’t eat them all. He knew he must not throw them away. So he decided to try to hide the pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile. Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. “You have wasted my gift of food again,” yelled the sky. “This time I will go away so you cannot waste me anymore. You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature.” Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste the gifts of nature. After the sky went away,().
people had to do farming and hunting
people went hungry
people learnt to make their own gifts
people became angry
The following is an African folktale: Long ago the sky was close to the Earth. People did not have to plant their own food. Instead when they were hungry, they just reached up and broke off a piece of the sky to eat. Sometimes the sky tasted like ripe bananas. Other times it tasted like roasted potatoes. The sky was always delicious. People spent their time making beautiful cloth. They painted beautiful pictures and sang songs at night. The grand king, Oba, had a wonderful palace. His servants made beautiful shapes out of pieces of the sky. Many people in the kingdom did not use the gift of the sky wisely. When they took more than they could eat, the sky became angry. Some people threw the extra pieces into the garbage. Early one morning the angry sky turned dark. Black clouds hung over the land, and a great sky voice said to all the people, “You are wasting my gift of food. Do not take more than you can eat. I don’t want to see pieces of me in the garbage anymore or I will take my gift away ” The king and the people trembled with fear. King Oba said, “Let’s be careful about how much food we take.” For a long time, all the people were careful. But one man named Adami wasn’t careful. At festival time, he took so many delicious pieces of the sky that he couldn’t eat them all. He knew he must not throw them away. So he decided to try to hide the pieces at the bottom of the garbage pile. Suddenly, the sky became angry and the clouds turned black. “You have wasted my gift of food again,” yelled the sky. “This time I will go away so you cannot waste me anymore. You will have to learn how to plant crops in the ground and hunt in the forests. If you work hard, you may learn not to waste the gifts of nature.” Everyone watched as the sky sailed away. From that time on, they worked hard to grow their food and cook their meals. They always tried to remember not to waste the gifts of nature. What lesson does the folktale want us to learn()?
Nature can conquer man.
Lazy people will be punished.
Do not waste any gift of nature.
Do not ignore good advice.
Each year over 600 million people travel internationally. Hundreds of millions more journey within their home country, doing so for both work and pleasure. As a result, the tourist industry—including hotels, scenic spots, airlines, travel agencies, and other businesses—is described as “the world’s number one employer.” Worldwide, tourism generates an estimated four trillion dollars annually. Individual tourists may not view themselves as part of a worldwide peace movement, but this is how the UN World Tourism Organization describes the industry. In 2004, Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-general of the organization, told a presidential conference in the Middle East, “Tourism and peace are inseparable. The forces released by tourism are so powerful that they can change apparently irreversible situations and bring about peace where none was considered possible.” What are the origins of this influential industry? Is tourism truly a force for good? And can “the forces released by tourism” really bring peace? The seeds of the modern tourist industry in the West were sown especially in the 19th century. As the industrial revolution swelled the ranks of the middle classes in Europe and the United States,a growing number of people found themselves with both the money and the time to travel. In addition, great advances were made in methods of mass transportation. Powerful engines pulled passengers between major cities, and great steamships sped them between continents. To deal with the growing traffic, large hotels sprang up near railway terminals and shipping ports. In 1841, English businessman Thomas Cook saw the potential in tying these elements together He was the first to combine transportation, accommodation, and activities at desired locations into a holiday package tour. “Due to the system founded by Mr. Cook,” noted the British statesman Will Jam Gladstone in the 1860’s, “whole classes have for the first time found easy access to foreign countries and have acquired some of the familiarity with them which breeds not contempt(蔑视)but kindness.” By “the world’s number one employer”(Para.1), the author means that the tourist industry().
attracts a great number of people
covers a large variety of businesses
hires the greatest number of workers
makes the greatest sum of money
Each year over 600 million people travel internationally. Hundreds of millions more journey within their home country, doing so for both work and pleasure. As a result, the tourist industry—including hotels, scenic spots, airlines, travel agencies, and other businesses—is described as “the world’s number one employer.” Worldwide, tourism generates an estimated four trillion dollars annually. Individual tourists may not view themselves as part of a worldwide peace movement, but this is how the UN World Tourism Organization describes the industry. In 2004, Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-general of the organization, told a presidential conference in the Middle East, “Tourism and peace are inseparable. The forces released by tourism are so powerful that they can change apparently irreversible situations and bring about peace where none was considered possible.” What are the origins of this influential industry? Is tourism truly a force for good? And can “the forces released by tourism” really bring peace? The seeds of the modern tourist industry in the West were sown especially in the 19th century. As the industrial revolution swelled the ranks of the middle classes in Europe and the United States,a growing number of people found themselves with both the money and the time to travel. In addition, great advances were made in methods of mass transportation. Powerful engines pulled passengers between major cities, and great steamships sped them between continents. To deal with the growing traffic, large hotels sprang up near railway terminals and shipping ports. In 1841, English businessman Thomas Cook saw the potential in tying these elements together He was the first to combine transportation, accommodation, and activities at desired locations into a holiday package tour. “Due to the system founded by Mr. Cook,” noted the British statesman Will Jam Gladstone in the 1860’s, “whole classes have for the first time found easy access to foreign countries and have acquired some of the familiarity with them which breeds not contempt(蔑视)but kindness.” According to the passage, tourists().
take themselves as peace-makers
may change a country’s political situation
are inseparable from politics
may contribute to world peace
Each year over 600 million people travel internationally. Hundreds of millions more journey within their home country, doing so for both work and pleasure. As a result, the tourist industry—including hotels, scenic spots, airlines, travel agencies, and other businesses—is described as “the world’s number one employer.” Worldwide, tourism generates an estimated four trillion dollars annually. Individual tourists may not view themselves as part of a worldwide peace movement, but this is how the UN World Tourism Organization describes the industry. In 2004, Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-general of the organization, told a presidential conference in the Middle East, “Tourism and peace are inseparable. The forces released by tourism are so powerful that they can change apparently irreversible situations and bring about peace where none was considered possible.” What are the origins of this influential industry? Is tourism truly a force for good? And can “the forces released by tourism” really bring peace? The seeds of the modern tourist industry in the West were sown especially in the 19th century. As the industrial revolution swelled the ranks of the middle classes in Europe and the United States,a growing number of people found themselves with both the money and the time to travel. In addition, great advances were made in methods of mass transportation. Powerful engines pulled passengers between major cities, and great steamships sped them between continents. To deal with the growing traffic, large hotels sprang up near railway terminals and shipping ports. In 1841, English businessman Thomas Cook saw the potential in tying these elements together He was the first to combine transportation, accommodation, and activities at desired locations into a holiday package tour. “Due to the system founded by Mr. Cook,” noted the British statesman Will Jam Gladstone in the 1860’s, “whole classes have for the first time found easy access to foreign countries and have acquired some of the familiarity with them which breeds not contempt(蔑视)but kindness.” The tourist industry in the West began to develop in the 19th century because().
major cities needed more manpower
people lived a better life than before
the middle classes began to take shape
people had to travel between major cities
Each year over 600 million people travel internationally. Hundreds of millions more journey within their home country, doing so for both work and pleasure. As a result, the tourist industry—including hotels, scenic spots, airlines, travel agencies, and other businesses—is described as “the world’s number one employer.” Worldwide, tourism generates an estimated four trillion dollars annually. Individual tourists may not view themselves as part of a worldwide peace movement, but this is how the UN World Tourism Organization describes the industry. In 2004, Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-general of the organization, told a presidential conference in the Middle East, “Tourism and peace are inseparable. The forces released by tourism are so powerful that they can change apparently irreversible situations and bring about peace where none was considered possible.” What are the origins of this influential industry? Is tourism truly a force for good? And can “the forces released by tourism” really bring peace? The seeds of the modern tourist industry in the West were sown especially in the 19th century. As the industrial revolution swelled the ranks of the middle classes in Europe and the United States,a growing number of people found themselves with both the money and the time to travel. In addition, great advances were made in methods of mass transportation. Powerful engines pulled passengers between major cities, and great steamships sped them between continents. To deal with the growing traffic, large hotels sprang up near railway terminals and shipping ports. In 1841, English businessman Thomas Cook saw the potential in tying these elements together He was the first to combine transportation, accommodation, and activities at desired locations into a holiday package tour. “Due to the system founded by Mr. Cook,” noted the British statesman Will Jam Gladstone in the 1860’s, “whole classes have for the first time found easy access to foreign countries and have acquired some of the familiarity with them which breeds not contempt(蔑视)but kindness.” Large hotels were built near railway terminals and shipping ports to().
accommodate an increasing number of tourists
promote the development of mass transportation
allow people access to foreign countries
show the great advances in these areas
Each year over 600 million people travel internationally. Hundreds of millions more journey within their home country, doing so for both work and pleasure. As a result, the tourist industry—including hotels, scenic spots, airlines, travel agencies, and other businesses—is described as “the world’s number one employer.” Worldwide, tourism generates an estimated four trillion dollars annually. Individual tourists may not view themselves as part of a worldwide peace movement, but this is how the UN World Tourism Organization describes the industry. In 2004, Francesco Frangialli, Secretary-general of the organization, told a presidential conference in the Middle East, “Tourism and peace are inseparable. The forces released by tourism are so powerful that they can change apparently irreversible situations and bring about peace where none was considered possible.” What are the origins of this influential industry? Is tourism truly a force for good? And can “the forces released by tourism” really bring peace? The seeds of the modern tourist industry in the West were sown especially in the 19th century. As the industrial revolution swelled the ranks of the middle classes in Europe and the United States,a growing number of people found themselves with both the money and the time to travel. In addition, great advances were made in methods of mass transportation. Powerful engines pulled passengers between major cities, and great steamships sped them between continents. To deal with the growing traffic, large hotels sprang up near railway terminals and shipping ports. In 1841, English businessman Thomas Cook saw the potential in tying these elements together He was the first to combine transportation, accommodation, and activities at desired locations into a holiday package tour. “Due to the system founded by Mr. Cook,” noted the British statesman Will Jam Gladstone in the 1860’s, “whole classes have for the first time found easy access to foreign countries and have acquired some of the familiarity with them which breeds not contempt(蔑视)but kindness.” According to Will Jam Gladstone, holiday package tours can help().
travelers save both time and money
travelers find similarities between countries
remove misunderstandings between countries
remove misunderstandings across classes
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism.” It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here’s what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was mainly person to person, in real time. But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say that’s a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits(隐居者)who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe world on computer screens. To the contrary, the Pew study discovered that the Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than we’d have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. We’re turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decision. So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: We’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse! The Pew study was conducted in().
Latin America
the United States
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism.” It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here’s what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was mainly person to person, in real time. But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say that’s a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits(隐居者)who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe world on computer screens. To the contrary, the Pew study discovered that the Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than we’d have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. We’re turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decision. So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: We’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse! In this passage, the network refers to a lot of connected().
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism.” It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here’s what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was mainly person to person, in real time. But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say that’s a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits(隐居者)who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe world on computer screens. To the contrary, the Pew study discovered that the Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than we’d have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. We’re turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decision. So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: We’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse! Before the invention of the Internet, our connections with people took place mainly().
in person
by phone
by letter
by e-mail
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism.” It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here’s what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was mainly person to person, in real time. But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say that’s a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits(隐居者)who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe world on computer screens. To the contrary, the Pew study discovered that the Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than we’d have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. We’re turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decision. So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: We’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse! Which of the following has happened since the invention of the Internet()?
People talk on the phone more than ever.
Much personal interaction has given way to computer interaction.
Americans are getting more isolated.
Americans have become more dependent on computers.
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe way a lot of us North Americans interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism.” It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for networks. Here’s what he means. Until the Internet and e-mail came along, our social networks involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was mainly person to person, in real time. But the latest study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social interchange. A lot of folks Pew talked with say that’s a good thing, because of concerns that the Internet was turning us into hermits(隐居者)who shut out other people in favor of a make-believe world on computer screens. To the contrary, the Pew study discovered that the Internet has put us in touch with many MORE real people than we’d have ever imagined. Helpful people, too. We’re turning to an ever-growing list of cyber friends for advice on careers, medical crises, child-rearing, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decision. So we networked individuals are pretty tricky: We’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse! According to the Pew study, the role played by the Internet in human interaction is().
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries the body’s blood has been linked closely with emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal(残忍的)things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone not in self-defense or because he was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression “to get cold feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers. “Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else has got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold, and it is not a pleasant place to be in. The focus of the passage is().
the meanings of expressions with “cold”
the influence of cold weather on our mind and body
why people are unhappy with cold weather
how some people become cold-blooded
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries the body’s blood has been linked closely with emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal(残忍的)things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone not in self-defense or because he was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression “to get cold feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers. “Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else has got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold, and it is not a pleasant place to be in. A cold-blooded killer may take the life of another person().
by accident
for no reason
out of fear
in self-defense
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries the body’s blood has been linked closely with emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal(残忍的)things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone not in self-defense or because he was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression “to get cold feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers. “Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else has got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold, and it is not a pleasant place to be in. If a person “gets cold feet”, he or she may feel a little().
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries the body’s blood has been linked closely with emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal(残忍的)things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone not in self-defense or because he was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression “to get cold feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers. “Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else has got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold, and it is not a pleasant place to be in. A cold fish is a person who().
is indifferent to others’ sufferings
tends to turn down others’ help
remains cool in emergency
prefers to stay all alone
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe that is why there are so many expressions that use the word “cold”. For centuries the body’s blood has been linked closely with emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold-blooded. Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal(残忍的)things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. The killer murdered someone not in self-defense or because he was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion as if taking someone’s life meant nothing. Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks can warm your feet if your feet are really cold. But there is an expression “to get cold feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation. A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers. “Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else has got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise, that he was left out in the cold, and it is not a pleasant place to be in. Which of the following expressions may mean “unlucky”()?
Cold face.
Cold feet.
Cold heart.
Out in the cold.
Plastic bags are fast choking our planet. They are expensive for not only consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up with eco-friendly bags. Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to hit the market. Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags. Multicolored patch work bags and printed bags are everyone’s favorite. Most eco-friendly bags are made of cotton. These bags are very comfortable and elegant. They are not only attractive but also long lasting. A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion statement. Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs are simple and stylish to carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes of cotton are numerous, reflecting today’s tremendous range and combination of colors and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable(持续的)alternative to traditional materials. Introducing this exciting new message of environmental sustainability is Kariwala Green Bags, which makes a vast range of environment friendly bags. Its cotton bags are simple yet elegant. The collection is vast to suit all needs and situations: beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gif bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags. The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the environmental message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world. Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place to live in and to know more about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit http://www.kariwala.com. The phrase “to come up with”(Para.1)means “()”.
to replace
to purchase
to produce
to ban
Plastic bags are fast choking our planet. They are expensive for not only consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up with eco-friendly bags. Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to hit the market. Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags. Multicolored patch work bags and printed bags are everyone’s favorite. Most eco-friendly bags are made of cotton. These bags are very comfortable and elegant. They are not only attractive but also long lasting. A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion statement. Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs are simple and stylish to carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes of cotton are numerous, reflecting today’s tremendous range and combination of colors and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable(持续的)alternative to traditional materials. Introducing this exciting new message of environmental sustainability is Kariwala Green Bags, which makes a vast range of environment friendly bags. Its cotton bags are simple yet elegant. The collection is vast to suit all needs and situations: beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gif bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags. The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the environmental message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world. Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place to live in and to know more about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit http://www.kariwala.com. Cotton bags are becoming popular because they are().
strong and easy to keep
less costly and washable
eco-friendly and fashionable
light and convenient to carry
Plastic bags are fast choking our planet. They are expensive for not only consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up with eco-friendly bags. Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to hit the market. Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags. Multicolored patch work bags and printed bags are everyone’s favorite. Most eco-friendly bags are made of cotton. These bags are very comfortable and elegant. They are not only attractive but also long lasting. A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion statement. Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs are simple and stylish to carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes of cotton are numerous, reflecting today’s tremendous range and combination of colors and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable(持续的)alternative to traditional materials. Introducing this exciting new message of environmental sustainability is Kariwala Green Bags, which makes a vast range of environment friendly bags. Its cotton bags are simple yet elegant. The collection is vast to suit all needs and situations: beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gif bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags. The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the environmental message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world. Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place to live in and to know more about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit http://www.kariwala.com. Kariwala is probably().
a new material for making bags
a manufacturer of bags
the name of a bag store
an advertising agency
Plastic bags are fast choking our planet. They are expensive for not only consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up with eco-friendly bags. Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to hit the market. Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags. Multicolored patch work bags and printed bags are everyone’s favorite. Most eco-friendly bags are made of cotton. These bags are very comfortable and elegant. They are not only attractive but also long lasting. A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion statement. Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs are simple and stylish to carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes of cotton are numerous, reflecting today’s tremendous range and combination of colors and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable(持续的)alternative to traditional materials. Introducing this exciting new message of environmental sustainability is Kariwala Green Bags, which makes a vast range of environment friendly bags. Its cotton bags are simple yet elegant. The collection is vast to suit all needs and situations: beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gif bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags. The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the environmental message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world. Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place to live in and to know more about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit http://www.kariwala.com. By “revolution”(Para. 5), the author probably refers to the().
great reduction of while pollution
a brand new style of bag design
a new way to promote cotton bags
widespread use of eco-friendly bag
Plastic bags are fast choking our planet. They are expensive for not only consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up with eco-friendly bags. Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to hit the market. Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags. Multicolored patch work bags and printed bags are everyone’s favorite. Most eco-friendly bags are made of cotton. These bags are very comfortable and elegant. They are not only attractive but also long lasting. A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion statement. Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs are simple and stylish to carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes of cotton are numerous, reflecting today’s tremendous range and combination of colors and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable(持续的)alternative to traditional materials. Introducing this exciting new message of environmental sustainability is Kariwala Green Bags, which makes a vast range of environment friendly bags. Its cotton bags are simple yet elegant. The collection is vast to suit all needs and situations: beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gif bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags. The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the environmental message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world. Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place to live in and to know more about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit http://www.kariwala.com. The primary purpose of the author is to().
promote Kariwala cotton bags
advocate the advantages of cotton bags
highlight the importance of bag designs
persuade people to follow the fashion
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that—all else being equal—happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The study is the most comprehensive review so far the evidence linking happiness to health. Its lead author Ed Diener analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events. “We reviewed eight different types of studies,” Diener said. “And the general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being—that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed—contributes to both long life and better health among healthy populations.” A study that followed nearly 5,000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, found that those who were most pessimistic as students tended to die younger than their peers. An even longer- term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns(天主教修女)from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of their lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative ones. There were a few exceptions, but most of the long-term studies the researchers reviewed found that anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are all associated with higher rates disease and a shorter life. While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, positive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said. “Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.” The word “compelling”(Para.1)means “()”.
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that—all else being equal—happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The study is the most comprehensive review so far the evidence linking happiness to health. Its lead author Ed Diener analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events. “We reviewed eight different types of studies,” Diener said. “And the general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being—that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed—contributes to both long life and better health among healthy populations.” A study that followed nearly 5,000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, found that those who were most pessimistic as students tended to die younger than their peers. An even longer- term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns(天主教修女)from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of their lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative ones. There were a few exceptions, but most of the long-term studies the researchers reviewed found that anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are all associated with higher rates disease and a shorter life. While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, positive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said. “Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.” According to Paragraph 2, Ed Diener().
studied the health conditions of the subjects
conducted experimental human trials
made long-term studies of human subjects
reviewed other researchers’ studies
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that—all else being equal—happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The study is the most comprehensive review so far the evidence linking happiness to health. Its lead author Ed Diener analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events. “We reviewed eight different types of studies,” Diener said. “And the general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being—that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed—contributes to both long life and better health among healthy populations.” A study that followed nearly 5,000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, found that those who were most pessimistic as students tended to die younger than their peers. An even longer- term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns(天主教修女)from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of their lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative ones. There were a few exceptions, but most of the long-term studies the researchers reviewed found that anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are all associated with higher rates disease and a shorter life. While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, positive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said. “Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.” According to the studies on university students and Catholic nuns, who are more likely to live longer()?
Well-educated people
Optimistic people
Open-minded people
Religious people
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that—all else being equal—happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The study is the most comprehensive review so far the evidence linking happiness to health. Its lead author Ed Diener analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events. “We reviewed eight different types of studies,” Diener said. “And the general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being—that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed—contributes to both long life and better health among healthy populations.” A study that followed nearly 5,000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, found that those who were most pessimistic as students tended to die younger than their peers. An even longer- term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns(天主教修女)from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of their lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative ones. There were a few exceptions, but most of the long-term studies the researchers reviewed found that anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are all associated with higher rates disease and a shorter life. While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, positive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said. “Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.” What is NoT mentioned as relevant to a shorter life()?
Depression and anxiety.
Lack of enjoyment.
Constant lack of sleep.
Stress and pessimism.
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear and compelling evidence” that—all else being equal—happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The study is the most comprehensive review so far the evidence linking happiness to health. Its lead author Ed Diener analyzed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental human trials, and studies that evaluate the health status of people stressed by natural events. “We reviewed eight different types of studies,” Diener said. “And the general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being—that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed—contributes to both long life and better health among healthy populations.” A study that followed nearly 5,000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, found that those who were most pessimistic as students tended to die younger than their peers. An even longer- term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns(天主教修女)from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of their lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative ones. There were a few exceptions, but most of the long-term studies the researchers reviewed found that anxiety, depression, a lack of enjoyment of daily activities and pessimism are all associated with higher rates disease and a shorter life. While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, positive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said. “Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.” By saying that “Happiness is no magic bullet”(Para.7), Diener means that happiness().
is not ever lasting
is not easy to obtain
is not a good treatment of diseases
is not a guarantee of health and long life
Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on our reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you’re interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction; others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular type such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the beginning so the guidelines will be clear to the group and potential member. After setting the basic principles, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper and on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public place such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether snacks will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved. When starting a book club, a person should first().
notify friends and family
put an in a local newspaper
decide on the focus and size of the club
consider when and where the group will meet
Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on our reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you’re interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction; others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular type such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the beginning so the guidelines will be clear to the group and potential member. After setting the basic principles, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper and on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public place such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether snacks will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved. According to Paragraph 2, “the focus” of a book club refers to().
book types
Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on our reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you’re interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction; others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular type such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the beginning so the guidelines will be clear to the group and potential member. After setting the basic principles, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper and on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public place such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether snacks will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved. Which of the following would NOT be covered at the kick-off meeting()?
Deciding on whether snacks will be served.
Discussing whether to appoint a leader.
Determining the club’s first selection.
Planning the club’s yearly budget.
Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on our reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you’re interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction; others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular type such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the beginning so the guidelines will be clear to the group and potential member. After setting the basic principles, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper and on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public place such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether snacks will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved. Which of the following can be learned from the passage()?
Smaller groups are better for a variety of reasons.
A book club involves more than intellectual activities.
Starting your own book club is better than joining an existing one.
A casual approach to starting a book club is risky.
Book clubs are a great way to meet new friends or keep in touch with old ones, while keeping up on our reading and participating in lively and intellectually stimulating discussions. If you’re interested in starting a book club, you should consider the following options and recommendations. Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’s focus will be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction; others read nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a particular type such as mysteries, science fiction, or romance. Others have a more flexible and open focus. All of these possibilities can make for a great club, but it is important to decide on a focus at the beginning so the guidelines will be clear to the group and potential member. After setting the basic principles, recruitment can begin. Notify friends and family, advertise in the local newspaper and on bulletin boards in local stores, colleges, libraries, and bookstores. When enough people express interest, schedule a kick-off meeting during which decisions will be made about specific guidelines that will ensure the club runs smoothly. This meeting will need to establish where the group will meet (rotating homes or a public place such as a library or coffee shop); how often the group will meet, and on what day of the week and at what time; how long the meetings will be; how books will be chosen and by whom; who will lead the group (if anyone); and whether snacks will be served and if so, who will supply them. By the end of this meeting, these guidelines should be set and a book selection and date for the first official meeting should be finalized. Planning and running a book club is not without challenges, but when a book club is run effectively, the experience can be extremely rewarding for everyone involved. The best title for this passage would be().
Book Clubs: A Great Way to Make New Friends
Starting a Successful Book Club: A Guide
Five Easy Steps to Start a Successful Book Club
Book Clubs: Sharing Knowledge, Nurturing Friendship
It is becoming more and more difficult to be sure that the food we eat is not actually harming us. We seem to get one food scare after another. Several of these, recently, have concerned genetically modified (GM) foods. Although some experts tell us that these foods will do us no harm and that the concern about them is just scaremongering (spreading of rumour), it would not be the first time that such statements turned out to be wrong. In any case, other experts tell us that GM food is potentially very damaging to health and, at the very best, the jury is still out on the matter. In many countries, products which have been genetically modified are supposed to show this information on their labels, but now some of the large food producers are saying that it is growing increasingly difficult to separate GM food from the conventional varieties. Meanwhile, people go on protesting over the sowing of trial GM crops. Pesticides(杀虫剂)and chemical fertilizers are also a cause of concern. In the last few years, a great many people have started to buy organic produce, although this is much more expensive than that which is grown using modern conventional methods. They do so in an effort to stop filling their bodies, and those of their children, with poisonous chemicals。 Some experts claim that organically grown food is no healthier than other food, because the poison level in food is not high enough to be harmful. However, there is an increased demand for organic food and this is not a temporary fashion. There are those who feel that some experts may not be objective, but are part of the powerful food lobby, the chief concern of which is to increase organic food production with a corresponding increase in profits. The use of additives(添加剂), also, is a source of anxiety to consumers. These are often added to food to improve the colour or the flavour. However, it is thought that some of these may be the cause of allergies(过敏), or even the cause of behavioural problems in children. We have to eat to live. The problem is: what is safe to eat? What is people’s main concern about GM foods()?
Some of them are not labeled with required information.
They might have some dangers we don’t know yet.
They don’t have the same flavour as conventional foods.
The sowing of them will lead to more protests.
It is becoming more and more difficult to be sure that the food we eat is not actually harming us. We seem to get one food scare after another. Several of these, recently, have concerned genetically modified (GM) foods. Although some experts tell us that these foods will do us no harm and that the concern about them is just scaremongering (spreading of rumour), it would not be the first time that such statements turned out to be wrong. In any case, other experts tell us that GM food is potentially very damaging to health and, at the very best, the jury is still out on the matter. In many countries, products which have been genetically modified are supposed to show this information on their labels, but now some of the large food producers are saying that it is growing increasingly difficult to separate GM food from the conventional varieties. Meanwhile, people go on protesting over the sowing of trial GM crops. Pesticides(杀虫剂)and chemical fertilizers are also a cause of concern. In the last few years, a great many people have started to buy organic produce, although this is much more expensive than that which is grown using modern conventional methods. They do so in an effort to stop filling their bodies, and those of their children, with poisonous chemicals。 Some experts claim that organically grown food is no healthier than other food, because the poison level in food is not high enough to be harmful. However, there is an increased demand for organic food and this is not a temporary fashion. There are those who feel that some experts may not be objective, but are part of the powerful food lobby, the chief concern of which is to increase organic food production with a corresponding increase in profits. The use of additives(添加剂), also, is a source of anxiety to consumers. These are often added to food to improve the colour or the flavour. However, it is thought that some of these may be the cause of allergies(过敏), or even the cause of behavioural problems in children. We have to eat to live. The problem is: what is safe to eat? What does the author mean by “the jury is still out on the matter”(Para.2)()?
The matter is still uncertain.
The matter needs a jury to judge.
The jury is not there to judge.
The matter is not important.
It is becoming more and more difficult to be sure that the food we eat is not actually harming us. We seem to get one food scare after another. Several of these, recently, have concerned genetically modified (GM) foods. Although some experts tell us that these foods will do us no harm and that the concern about them is just scaremongering (spreading of rumour), it would not be the first time that such statements turned out to be wrong. In any case, other experts tell us that GM food is potentially very damaging to health and, at the very best, the jury is still out on the matter. In many countries, products which have been genetically modified are supposed to show this information on their labels, but now some of the large food producers are saying that it is growing increasingly difficult to separate GM food from the conventional varieties. Meanwhile, people go on protesting over the sowing of trial GM crops. Pesticides(杀虫剂)and chemical fertilizers are also a cause of concern. In the last few years, a great many people have started to buy organic produce, although this is much more expensive than that which is grown using modern conventional methods. They do so in an effort to stop filling their bodies, and those of their children, with poisonous chemicals。 Some experts claim that organically grown food is no healthier than other food, because the poison level in food is not high enough to be harmful. However, there is an increased demand for organic food and this is not a temporary fashion. There are those who feel that some experts may not be objective, but are part of the powerful food lobby, the chief concern of which is to increase organic food production with a corresponding increase in profits. The use of additives(添加剂), also, is a source of anxiety to consumers. These are often added to food to improve the colour or the flavour. However, it is thought that some of these may be the cause of allergies(过敏), or even the cause of behavioural problems in children. We have to eat to live. The problem is: what is safe to eat? Concerning organic food, the author tries to tell readers that().
experts agree that organic food is not healthier than other food
profit-making is behind the drive to produce more organic food
the demand for organic food will not last long
organic food also contains poisonous chemicals
It is becoming more and more difficult to be sure that the food we eat is not actually harming us. We seem to get one food scare after another. Several of these, recently, have concerned genetically modified (GM) foods. Although some experts tell us that these foods will do us no harm and that the concern about them is just scaremongering (spreading of rumour), it would not be the first time that such statements turned out to be wrong. In any case, other experts tell us that GM food is potentially very damaging to health and, at the very best, the jury is still out on the matter. In many countries, products which have been genetically modified are supposed to show this information on their labels, but now some of the large food producers are saying that it is growing increasingly difficult to separate GM food from the conventional varieties. Meanwhile, people go on protesting over the sowing of trial GM crops. Pesticides(杀虫剂)and chemical fertilizers are also a cause of concern. In the last few years, a great many people have started to buy organic produce, although this is much more expensive than that which is grown using modern conventional methods. They do so in an effort to stop filling their bodies, and those of their children, with poisonous chemicals。 Some experts claim that organically grown food is no healthier than other food, because the poison level in food is not high enough to be harmful. However, there is an increased demand for organic food and this is not a temporary fashion. There are those who feel that some experts may not be objective, but are part of the powerful food lobby, the chief concern of which is to increase organic food production with a corresponding increase in profits. The use of additives(添加剂), also, is a source of anxiety to consumers. These are often added to food to improve the colour or the flavour. However, it is thought that some of these may be the cause of allergies(过敏), or even the cause of behavioural problems in children. We have to eat to live. The problem is: what is safe to eat? It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that food additives().
may be more harmful to children
are unnecessary in food production
are less poisonous than pesticides
do not improve the flavour
It is becoming more and more difficult to be sure that the food we eat is not actually harming us. We seem to get one food scare after another. Several of these, recently, have concerned genetically modified (GM) foods. Although some experts tell us that these foods will do us no harm and that the concern about them is just scaremongering (spreading of rumour), it would not be the first time that such statements turned out to be wrong. In any case, other experts tell us that GM food is potentially very damaging to health and, at the very best, the jury is still out on the matter. In many countries, products which have been genetically modified are supposed to show this information on their labels, but now some of the large food producers are saying that it is growing increasingly difficult to separate GM food from the conventional varieties. Meanwhile, people go on protesting over the sowing of trial GM crops. Pesticides(杀虫剂)and chemical fertilizers are also a cause of concern. In the last few years, a great many people have started to buy organic produce, although this is much more expensive than that which is grown using modern conventional methods. They do so in an effort to stop filling their bodies, and those of their children, with poisonous chemicals。 Some experts claim that organically grown food is no healthier than other food, because the poison level in food is not high enough to be harmful. However, there is an increased demand for organic food and this is not a temporary fashion. There are those who feel that some experts may not be objective, but are part of the powerful food lobby, the chief concern of which is to increase organic food production with a corresponding increase in profits. The use of additives(添加剂), also, is a source of anxiety to consumers. These are often added to food to improve the colour or the flavour. However, it is thought that some of these may be the cause of allergies(过敏), or even the cause of behavioural problems in children. We have to eat to live. The problem is: what is safe to eat? Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude towards the food we eat()?